(School assignment / DMJX)​​​​​​​
Shape, colors and the word
For this project we had to choose a word and build it in the material we found fit. Afterwards we had to stage our letters and take pictures so we could end up with our final posters.
I wanted to build my word with candles because they capture the meaning of "vibe" for me. It was a lot of trial and error but i ended up drilling and melting the candles together.
I used a background stand to hang my letters on and tied them on using fishwire. To add to the atmosphere of the word, i wanted the stems to be lit in the picture.

This is the final result before the post-production:
Purpose of the assignment

 To understand the architecture of the letters

 To be able to describe the objective and subjective value of a palette

 To experience what factors should be considered when choosing a palette

 With limited elements (typography, structure, and colors), to be able to visualize a message in a large format

 To be able to argue for the visual expression of the word (typography, composition, and color)

 To be able to compose a poster

 To be able to create hierarchy in text messages, work with size and placement contrasts

 To master the art of finding an appropriate typography for an existing typographic solution
Vibe poster

Vibe poster
